Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Hello Everyone,

We would like to share some recent news about our trip back to Italy. We have found an apartment in the city center of Florence which will be our residence for the upcoming months. This is an amazing blessing for us since we do not have now need to take the immediate time to look for a more permanent place.

Justin has a job offer confirmed with an English school in the city center and will be starting to teach a few days after we arrive. This is another answer to pray because we need a work contract to add Carli on to his student visa. Please be praying for our first few weeks back as we try to obtain the soggiorno, (permit of residence) from the government. Also, please pray for Carli as she starts to work as a babysitter. Carli's job will be such an opportunity for the Lord to minister to those families. Pray that we both will have an influence in our work environments as we start our jobs. We will be heading back on the 4th of March.

Lastly, we would like to give the praise and the glory to Jesus for bringing us through every step of this beginning process. We are grateful for the growing of our faith these last weeks and we pray that through this journey we would be completely and joyfully satisfied in the grace of God for each day that He gives us.

We love you all,

Carli and Justin

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Good News

Hello Everyone,

We are sorry for the time lapse from our last post. We arrived in the States two weeks ago and have been busy trying to figure out a way legally for returning to Florence. As always The Lord has been good to us and has given us clarity with the options that we were confronted with. Our only option that was the cheapest would be to enroll in a university in Florence for at least a year so that we could apply for a one year student visa. Once we have the visa, we can change the student visa into a work visa. Last week we found a school and made the wire transfer to the schools bank in Florence.

After gathering all of the appropriate documents for the Italian consulate, Carli and I drove down to Miami Monday since that is the only consulate for both Georgia and Florida. We cannot tell you how smooth the process went on Tuesday morning with the visa. The whole meeting took 10 minutes and the consulate told us the visa would be shipped back to us in just a few days. Yesterday we came back home and went straight to bed after driving all that way. When I woke up this morning, there was a FedEx employee that was knocking on the door with the visa in hand. We are good to go back to Italy.

I have been in contact with an English school in Florence who offered me a teaching job if I could get a visa. Upon receiving the visa the director of the school would like me to go back as soon as possible. So, we will be heading back to Florence, (Lord willing) in two weeks. Please pray for us as we head back. Pray that we are able to find a place to stay and also the process for our permit of stay will go well. We are so grateful that we have so many loved ones who have taken the time to pray for us with the matter. We are reminded daily of the psalmist when he says, "Spera in Dio, perche lo celebrero ancora; egli e il mio salvatore e il mio Dio" (Salmi 42:5) "Hope in God, for I shall again praise Him; my salvation and my God. (Psalm 42:5)

We will keep you posted as we get ready to leave again!

Carli and Justin