Monday, November 24, 2014


Hello All,

We have some specific prayer requests to throw your way. This weekend we are going to be "running the show" so to speak at the English club. The English club is called MySpace and it is done twice a month on Saturdays by our pastor, his wife, and two youth for Christ interns. It typically has 10-15 kids that are in middle school and high school. We helped out and participated in one in October. The kids really enjoy it and they have several regulars that come every time. This week our pastor and a few people from church will be going around to the schools in town and doing an English lesson about Thanksgiving. During the lesson they will invite the children to the English club.  The theme of the English club this week is Thanksgiving and thankfulness.  Every English club is obviously focused on English, but it is also an outreach opportunity.  We pray that as we continue to meet and form friendships with the youth that they would see us as not only nice good people, but as people who love and live for the Lord.

Then on Sunday we will have a Thanksgiving dessert tasting event. As a church we are making several apple, pecan, and pumpkin pies.  We have invited everyone in the city to come and have a taste. This is another strategic way to get to know the people in our community and for them to hear the Gospel. Please pray that Justin and I would have the words in Italian and in English to speak words of hope and truth.  Please be in prayer for our church body as we prepare and serve. We want God to get all of the glory through our efforts. We love and appreciate you reading and praying with us. We hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Hug your loved ones a little tighter this year and be thankful for the blessing of family.

With love,
Carli & Justin

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

November Update

Hello Everyone,

November has started really well for us. The weather is getting cooler and we are enjoying all of the fall colors everywhere. First things first... Justin passed his driver's test!!!!!! YAY!!!! We are so thankful to have that process behind us. We can now fully participate with the body of believers that we have come to know and love. Please pray for that body of believers in the city of Budrio. We call ourselves Impatto a Budrio (which means impact in Budrio).

This past Sunday we had the unique opportunity to have a service with almost all of the evangelical churches in the area of Bologna. Our focus was on praying for the persecuted church around the world. It was really encouraging to be together and pray together for our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Please be in prayer for one of Justin's co-workers. She asked Justin last week if he would explain what he believes as a Christ follower and why he believes in the Bible. He had the opportunity to share the Gospel with her last Saturday and gave her his bible to read. She has many questions because she has never heard the Gospel. Please pray that God would continue to open her heart and her eyes to see his amazing love.

We hope that everyone is doing well. As Thanksgiving approaches we encourage you to reach out, be a little uncomfortable, and show Christ's love to someone who needs it. Remember that God uses ordinary things and ordinary people every day. Be His vessel.

We love you,
Carli & Justin