Thursday, November 19, 2015
What is the next step with Immigration?
We have seen over the past several months a shift in the demographics of western nations. Much of this shift is due to mass migration from people who have had their homes destroyed by war, famine etc. Many of these refugee's ways of life have come to a complete stop as a result of the tumult throughout the world, but mainly in Islamic countries. Due to militant Islamic groups such as ISIS and Al Qaeda, millions of Muslims are fleeing their homes and trying to find a better and peaceful life in places such as Europe and North America.
Germany, the largest economy in Europe is pledging to bring in more than a million syrian refugees while most European states will be taking in some 1-2 million collectively. As of last week the majority of American governors have blocked the recent request by the Obama Administration to bring in a proposed 10,000 Syrian refugees into Asylum here in the United States. Despite the efforts that have been made to enforce back-ground checks with these individuals, a good number of Americans and other mainstream media outlets are calling for a complete halt on accepting any refugees. This opinion is based on ideas that some of these Syrians could be sleeping cells for terrorism and create a bigger threat to the security of our nation.
I understand these concerns especially in the wake of what just happened in Paris, however we as Christians must not rush into this matter with decisions made without first thinking about the implications of the Gospel. Yes, I believe that we as Christ-followers should first think, reflect and pray about what Christ would want and not be overly zealous for our political and idealoglical persuasions. If I can, I'd like to give you some statistics of about Christianity to shed light on the so called problems we are facing. Also, when I say an (unreached) country I mean a country with less than 2% percent evangelical.
1. Christians make up 33% of the worlds population, but receive 53% of the world's annual income and spend 98% on themselves. (Barrett and Johnson 2001,656)
2. Of foreign mission funding: 87% goes for work among those already Christian. 12% for work among already evangelized, but Non-Christian. 1% for work among the unevangelized and unreached people. (Baxter 2007, 12)
3. 90% of foreign missionaries work among already reached people groups. 10% work among unreached people groups. (Winter and Koch, 543)
4. American Christians spend 95% of offerings on home-based ministry, 4.5% on cross-cultural efforts in already reached people groups, and .5% to reach the unreached. (The Traveling Team)
Now, these migrants are coming from countries who have war torn zones brought about by radical Islam. These people are now migrating to historically Christian Europe and now North America. Now my question is this. Do you think that this vast migration is only a secret plan by ISIS to take over the world? Or do you think that the God of the Universe is bringing His people from around the globe to areas where they can hear the message of the Gospel of Christ? If we will not take advantage of this amazing gift to share the Gospel to the unreached among the nations, then Christ will bring them to our shores. Will we take advantage of this gift or continue to use excuses of terrorism to not give our lives to the unreached?
Remember Christ says in Matthew, "In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world." Matthew 16:33
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