The Psalmist writes, "How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!" (Psalms 119:103)
Lately, I have been convicted about the time that I put into studying the word of God. It can be difficult for us to find time to spend with the Lord in the middle of all of our responsabilties. Day by day goes by and we realize that almost all of our time with the exception of a few prayers was taken up by things we thought were worth doing. Then, at the end day, we fight the temptation to feel guilty over the lost and wasted time of what could have been our time in the Word.
My prayer that I pray today for both you and my family is that we would be people of the Word. We would not be influenced by the stresses and distractions of life, but that we would hope in the anchor of the Word of God and seek it more than anything else in life. Earlier in Psalm 119 the writer says, "Oh how I love your law! It is my meditation all the day." (Psalm 119:97) The question I ask is, do we love to meditate on the Scriptures all day? Is this something that we love to do or is it something we feel we must do in order to balance our sin and lack of intimacy with God? I for one have struggled with this. My prayer is that we fight as Christians the temptation to put the Bible off and not just go to it with our flesh in mind but our spirit. It is through the spirit that we discover the beauty and excellencies of Christ.